Bitcoin SV (BSV) wallet

Manage your Bitcoin SV, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, XLM and over 1000 other coins and tokens.

Trusted by 5,000,000 users worldwide

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Swap Bitcoin SV for 1000+ crypto pairs anonymously and get up to 1% cashback

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Buy Bitcoin SV and 20+ other assets using your bank card. We accept USD, EUR, and other local currencies across the world.

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Earn up to 20% APY by staking ETH, SOL, ADA, TRX and 10+ other assets.

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Your private keys are encrypted and never leave your device. Only you have control over your funds

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Check Hashsum

On 15 November 2018, the Bitcoin Cach (BCH) had a hard fork; the main BCH chain split into Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision). Bitcoin SV is a project led by Craig Wright's team with the main idea to increase the block size from 32 to 128 Mb to scalable.

Hard Fork Resuls

After the hard fork, all the holders had two balances. One in BCH and the second in BSV. You can also manage your Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV in a non-custodial Atomic Wallet. It's the universal wallet that supports both of the coins and other 1000+ cryptocurrency assets in one secure interface.

How to split Bitcoin Cash forks BCH / BSV

To protect yourself from double-spending you need to make your coins split. The easiest way to split these coins is to send one of them to your account on a swap that supports both forks (Poloniex etc.). The second coin will be sent to it automatically. Then you can withdraw the Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV funds to your Atomic Wallet address. Once withdrawn, these coins become split and can be used separately.

  • Send BCH to swap
  • Both of the coins are sent automatically
  • Receive it on Swap separately
  • Withdraw it back by each other
  • Now it is split in your Atomic Wallet

These exchanges are using splitter tools to mix each of your transactions with a special one. This measure helps make each transaction unique and prevents networks from simultaneous broadcasting.

After that, there is only one warning: If someone sends you an unsplit coin, your BCH and BSV will stick together again. Please be careful.

Where to store Bitcoin Cash / Bitcoin SV

You can store and manage your BCH, BSV, BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, and other 1000+ cryptocurrency assets in a decentralized multi-asset Atomic Wallet. It's a non-custodial wallet since all private keys are stored in an encrypted manner on the end-user device and never leave it. So, your money is totally under your control.

We are happy to provide you with the most convenient and versatile solution to hold and manage all of your cryptocurrency assets. Download the latest version of the App and enjoy your assets being safely managed!