Sui Wallet

Manage your Sui, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, XLM and over 1000 other coins and tokens.

Download Sui Wallet

Trusted by 5,000,000 users worldwide

Instant Swap with Cashback

Swap Sui for 1000+ crypto pairs anonymously and get up to 1% cashback

Swap Crypto

Buy Crypto

Buy Sui and 20+ other assets using your bank card. We accept USD, EUR, and other local currencies across the world.

Buy Sui

Stake and Earn

Earn up to 20% APY by staking ETH, SOL, ADA, TRX and 10+ other assets.

Stake crypto

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Why Choose Atomic Sui wallet


No registration and KYC required to use the app. We don't track your data


Your private keys are encrypted and never leave your device. Only you have control over your funds

24/7 Online Support

Fast support for your needs. Live chat and email support for customers from all over the globe.

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Atomic Sui Wallet with crypto swap feature!

Welcome to Atomic Wallet, the ultimate choice for managing your cryptocurrencies with enhanced security and user convenience. With the integration of Sui Wallet, our platform provides even more versatility and features for all users.

Swap with Ease:

Atomic Wallet offers seamless integration with Sui Wallet, allowing you to not only store and manage your digital assets but also swap them effortlessly. Our built-in swap feature enables you to swap between different cryptocurrencies right from within the wallet, saving you time and energy. Say goodbye to the hassle of using multiple platforms and enjoy the convenience of managing your portfolio and executing trades in one place.

Unparalleled Security:

We understand the importance of safeguarding your crypto assets. Atomic Wallet combines top-notch security measures with Sui Wallet's advanced protection protocols. With robust encryption and full control over your private keys, you can have peace of mind knowing that your funds are safe and secure. Your security is our utmost priority.

User Convenience:

Atomic Wallet, along with Sui Wallet, puts user experience at the forefront. Our intuitive and user-friendly interface makes managing your cryptocurrencies a breeze. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crypto enthusiast, you'll find the wallet easy to navigate and use. From checking your balances to executing transactions, every step is designed to be simple and efficient. Experience a hassle-free crypto management process with Atomic Wallet and Sui Wallet.

Don't miss out on the enhanced features provided by Atomic Wallet, now with the integration of Sui Wallet. Exchange, secure, and manage your cryptocurrencies with ease and confidence. Get started today and enjoy the full potential of a secure and convenient crypto wallet.