Bytecoin (BCN) wallet

Manage your Bytecoin, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, XLM and over 1000 other coins and tokens.

() coin is currently not supported

But Atomic Wallet can offer

Support for over 30 coins and over 500 tokens

Anonymous swap cashback

Staking and buying cryptocurrencies

Download Bytecoin Wallet

Trusted by 5,000,000 users worldwide

Instant Swap with Cashback

Swap Bytecoin for 1000+ crypto pairs anonymously and get up to 1% cashback

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Buy Crypto

Buy Bytecoin and 20+ other assets using your bank card. We accept USD, EUR, and other local currencies across the world.

Buy Bytecoin

Stake and Earn

Earn up to 20% APY by staking ETH, SOL, ADA, TRX and 10+ other assets.

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Why Choose Atomic Bytecoin wallet


No registration and KYC required to use the app. We don't track your data


Your private keys are encrypted and never leave your device. Only you have control over your funds

24/7 Online Support

Fast support for your needs. Live chat and email support for customers from all over the globe.

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Bytecoin is an open-source, anonymous cash-settled cryptocurrency, that was first to be based on the CryptoNote technology. This software and application protocols for anonymous transactions (via hiding the sender, receiver and the exact amounts) have then created the first Bytecoin’s token, known as BCN.

Contrary to many other cryptos at the time, Bytecoin was not going to be another “improved Bitcoin version.”

The goals of the company were simple:

  • completely anonymous;
  • readily available for purchase;
  • as secure as possible, corresponding to the idea of a perfect Crypto.
  • Bytecoin Features.

    Address Swap. A gateway, consisting of the actual sender’s address and a random key: both are created and used to make a transaction. Therefore, the payment, can not be traced. And even if many transactions are sent to the same sender, they appear like unrelated payments sent to random addresses to a bystander.

    The declaration. To make a transaction, one of the validators needs to prove it first. Only it is absolutely unreal to grasp, which one was it. In fact, the ring signature of each transaction contains links to other transactions that could have been sent to anyone. This modification process not only makes it more difficult to trace transactions but also reduces the risk of transfers to third parties.

    Work statements and proofs. Bytecoin is based on the proof-of-work algorithm, which in return is based on the RAM access and not on hash rate. Special equipment for BCN mining simply makes no sense, which makes it unpenetrable for thieves and hackers.

    Why Atomic is the best choice for your Bytecoin assets?

    Atomic Wallet combines advanced technologies, as well as the best design and safety solutions.

    For users, that want to protect their funds and keep them in a safe place, a fully secure and convenient platform has been built. We chose to describe the way that was always in line with the crypto-monetary spirit. Atomic Wallet is simple, easy to use, supports a wide variety of assets and implements Atomic Swap technology.